Monday, 12 July 2010

Grade 3 and 4 Pregnancies Probed

The national Department of Basic Education is investigating how the Western Cape could have had more pregnant schoolgirls in grades 3 and 4 than in grades 11 and 12 during the 2006 and 2007 school years, says Independent Online.

A new report compiled by he department shows that in 2006, 10 Grade 3 pupils and 26 Grade 4 pupils fell pregnant in the Western Cape, compared to one Grade 11 and three matriculants.

Teachers To Strike Over Pay?

Bloomberg News is reporting that South African Government workers, including teachers, may strike over a pay dispute. Unions are demanding an 8.6% pay rise and the government is offering 6.5%. All told, almost 1.3 million workers could go on strike.

Outcomes-Based Education To Be Scrapped

According to TIMES LIVE, the much maligned outcomes based education system introduced by Professor Kader Asmal in 1996 is about to be scrapped in favour of a new schooling system called Schooling 2025. An announcement is expected on 13 July 2010.

SA Urged To Build On WC Success

Archbishop Desomond Tutu has urged the country to "build classrooms" and other amenties that benefit the poor saying, "we have proved to ourselves we can do anything we set our minds to."

Separately, President Zuma said the event was the "beginning of a better future for South Africa and all Africans."

A more sobering note was struck in Zimbabwe however, at a workshop that discussed how the benefits of the World Cup can be used to benefit the Continenet with speakers suggesting that Africa needs $11 billion to educate children.