Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Ster Kinekor

Focusing our CSI efforts on the area of sight and vision was a logical choice for Ster Kinekor since it is very difficult to enjoy movies at the cinema if you can’t see properly.

Our Mission is Vision

  • To assist, through our Corporate Social Investment (CSI) initiatives, youngsters in underprivileged communities by identifying and helping those with visual problems nationwide.
  • To contribute to the elimination of refractive error in underprivileged school children.
  • To increase awareness of low vision as a major public health issue in South Africa.
  • To fund the project through Ster-Kinekor and customer contributions.

On the 22nd of September, 200 learners with defective eyesight from Cape Town were treated to a fun-filled day of free goodies as well as the incredible gift of receiving reading spectacles which now give them crystal clear sight. Vision Mission made this possible by assisting disadvantaged learners in underprivileged communities through identifying and helping those with visual problems.

In partnership with the Departments of Health and Education and Jonga Trust, Vision Mission pre-screened hundreds of children for vision defects for this outreach. Ster-Kinekor later hosted these learners at Ster-Kinekor in Parow who could now enjoy cinema with their new spectacles.

Vision Mission’s partners include: loveLife, SpecSavers, Departments of Education, Health and Social Development, AFDA (film school).

Don’t just see movies; help others to see them too...

It’s so simple. Everyone can contribute to Ster-Kinekor Vision Mission:

  1. Through the Self Service Terminals in our cinema foyers nationwide, or;
  2. Through booking your movie ticket online at www.sterkinekor.com

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