Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Students march for better education

Thousands of Cape Town learners marched to Parliament yesterday to hand over a memorandum in which they demand the implementation of equal norms and standards in education.

Marching under the banner of an organisation called 'Equal Education', learners aimed to remind government of its promise to implement minimum norms and standards in all schools.

The pupils demands are familiar. School text books, libraries, an end to mud schools and safety in their school premises were amongst the issues raised.

Upon receiving the memorandum, the chief of staff from Basic Education Department, Dingani Ngobeni, was booed off stage by learners who wanted to see Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga. Ngobeni says they communicated to Equal Education earlier that Motshekga would be at the Human Rights Day celebrations in Athlone.

"The Minister had other commitments. She was in Western Cape with the President. I was puzzled when I get to the stage and we had made arrangements in writing that Minister will not be there. I am puzzled at the hostile reception that is there," said Ngobeni.

Yesterday, South Africans celebrated Human Rights Day under the theme: "Working together to protect human dignity for all". On March 21, 1960, police killed 69 people at Sharpeville who were protesting against unjust pass laws.

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