Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Teachers ordered to stay in class amid court case

The South African Democratic Teachers Union in Gauteng has instructed teachers in Soweto to stay in class during the next court appearance of its Chairperson, Moss Senye. The Meadowlands Secondary School principal is facing charges of assaulting a learner.

Last Monday, dozens of teachers abandoned teaching and gathered at the Meadowlands Margistrate's Court to show support for Senye. His case was postponed to May 11.

Gauteng Sadtu Secretary, Dumisani Dakile, says they met with all the stake holders which includes parents in the form of the School Governing Boards, Cosas, the South African Teachers Union and the ANC of which all of them are expected to go down on the ground as expected to be able to calm the situation in particular in relation with the learners.

The meeting also agreed that the statement issued by Cosas calling on learners to hit back against educators who administer corporal punishment will have serious negative impact to the stability of the schools in the province. Cosas was requested to withdraw the statement. The learner who stabbed the female teacher earlier fled but was later arrested. He now faces a charge of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm. The Gauteng Education Department has also condemned the incident.

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